Selling Skills

Once we have consulted with you and understand the needs of your business, we can design a sales process that is right for you. We will start with a simple 4-step process, and build from there:
  1. Building Rapport, Building Trust
  2. Understanding your Customer
  3. Why You?
  4. Call to Action

Our sales training programs are tailor made to:
  • Help sales people to identify gaps in their understanding of the sales process
  • Assist sales teams to understand buyer behaviour and engage with their customers
  • Build skills that ensure sales staff really understand client needs
  • Help sales people to truly listen to their customers
  • Provide sales teams with a process that will drive results
  • Optimise sales performance

Sales Leadership & Coaching

The sales performance of any organisation or business is only as good as the sales leaders. We will work with you to identify skill gaps, then offer customised training and coaching solutions, designed to develop managers and improve sales performance.

Our programs:
  • Ensure sales leaders are ready to inspire and manage a professional sales team
  • Develop managers into effective coaches
  • Build capabilities to effectively manage poor performance

Small Business Consulting

Every small business needs a sales process and is looking for assistance to:
  • Increase their conversion rates
  • Retain clients
  • Gain referrals

Our services can be customised to suit a small business likes yours and help you to confidently and professionally manage customer issues so they become 'reasons to buy'.
We will:
  • Consult
  • Analyse
  • Advise & Coach

If you’re looking for help with building a sales process that you and your staff can refer to, Optimas Consulting offers a 3 hour workshop where you can work with a qualified facilitator and like-minded business owners, sharing ideas in a supportive environment, and walk away with a documented sales.
Click here to find out more.

Key Account Management

There are many skills required to be a professional key account manager. We will spend time to get to know your current key account management process before advising you on the most appropriate training and support solution.

Skills to consider include:
  • Strategic planning
  • Business acumen
  • Project management
  • Relationship management
  • Innovative development of opportunities
  • Tracking and recording of sales

Vision & Values

Incredible outcomes can be seen when people share and understand a common vision. We will work with your sales leaders to understand your team's current position before creating the right environment to ensure:
  • There is a clearly defined Vision that people can understand and identify with
  • The Vision is aspirational - providing a common goal for all
  • The Vision drives the day to day activities of the people in the team
  • Values that underpin the Vision are clearly defined behaviours that become part of the team culture
  • Roles & Responsibilities can be linked to the Vision, helping to create a positive team environment
  • Recognition of examples of behaviours that drive the Vision are held in high esteem by all

Competency Frameworks & People Development

The key to driving business success in any sales organisation is clarity around the required competencies so that people can grow within their role. There is a direct correlation between development of expertise and increased sales, so it is critical for people to understand what they need to do to become expert in their role. Optimas Consulting will assist you to define the knowledge, skills, behaviours and attitudes that you value as a business.

Developing Competency Frameworks for your Sales Representatives and Sales Managers ensures people are able to:
  • Focus on the important behaviours that drive sales performance
  • Have a clear understanding of what they need to do to become an expert in their role
  • Shift the emphasis from 'evaluation' to 'performance development'

Behavioural Selling & Team Building

Are you looking to provide a variety of value-added training programs that enhance sales and team performance?

Our programs include:
  • Behavioural Selling - utilising DiSC as a tool to help understand behaviour, participants gain an understanding of their personal selling style, and how to behave and respond to a wide range of customers in order to achieve quality, long-term relationships that create more successful outcomes
  • Team Building - based on an understanding of self and more importantly what drives the personality of their team mates (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator - MBTI), the program helps teams to recognise each person's strengths and to enhance effective team communication, building team spirit and performance

Presentation & Facilitation Skills

Sales and marketing people are in the business of selling to groups of people - whether it be a brand manager presenting a new strategy to the sales team at a sales conference; a sales manager creating a sense of urgency with their sales team; a sales representative facilitating a discussion with a group of customers. Each of these scenarios requires different skills and knowledge, but underpinning them all is a level of confidence that helps to create a professional image.

We have programs to cover all levels of experience and can work with individuals or teams to build confidence and expertise in front of an audience. We will work with you to understand the needs of your people before designing a program that will challenge and excite them:

Presentation Skills

  • preparation
  • organising the content
  • delivery
  • visual aids
  • dealing with nerves

Facilitation Skills

  • the role of a facilitator
  • engaging the audience
  • preparation
  • rules of engagement
  • understanding and managing group dynamics
  • gaining agreement